The Richmond Fellowship Scotland

The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Headquarters Location

Head Office:
3 Buchanan Gate
Buchanan Gate Business Park
Cumbernauld Road
North Lanarkshire
G33 6FB
0845 013 6300

The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Photos

  • We support young people moving through a period of transition, helping them make informed choices.
  • Our staff are passionate about helping people achieve a better quality of life.
  • We support people with varying degrees of learning disability.
  • Supporting individuals experiencing mental health difficulties to live full and independent lives.
About The Richmond Fellowship Scotland
The Richmond Fellowship Scotland is a charity which supports around 2500 people across Scotland with a broad range of needs to live as independently as possible in their own homes and communities.

We are the largest provider of social care services in Scotland, providing personalised, high-quality community-based support services for those who require support in their lives. Some may have mental health difficulties, learning disabilities or autism; others may have dementia, alcohol or drug issues or forensic backgrounds.

All of our services work in person-centred ways to offer choice, promote inclusion and maximise ability.

We manage in the region of 190 services in both rural and urban settings, employing more than 2500 staff. In working with 28 local authorities, we have a proven track record and understanding in providing high quality services to meet the unique needs and aspirations of the individuals we support.

We are people-focused, motivated by the needs of individuals and communities, not profit. We are driven by strong values and a firm commitment to choice, dignity and social inclusion.
Our mission statement

Our mission is to develop and deliver the best personal supports that listen to what you want and achieve what matters for you.
Our outcomes statement

We recognise the complexity of your life, the challenges you face and the contributions and worth you can bring. We believe you are unique and entitled to a fulfilling life. Our staff will strive to promote and achieve these outcomes with you:

- leading and directing your own life
- independence
- choice
- individuality
- community presence
- fun!
- self-esteem
- responsibility
- active and meaningful participation
- making contributions to family and friends
- having new experiences whilst being safe
- being seen as important and unique
Our Values
Our mission is to develop and deliver the best personal support that listens to what you want and achieves what matters to you. We do this by living our values: -

- personalised
- outcomes focussed
- respectful
- imaginative
- problem solving
- cost effective

We believe this supports you to: -

- achieve things
- be responsible
- feel good
- make connections
- have fun
- be safe
- stay well
- get involved
- lead your life
The people we support are vital in shaping our organisation.

We encourage the people we support to get involved in the planning, design, deliver and review of our services. We believe this is the best way of ensuring that our services continue to evolve over time to meet the needs of the people who use them.

There are many ways in which people we support can have their say and help to develop our services:
Annual satisfaction survey

They are encouraged to complete this survey to tell us what we are doing well and what we can improve on. The results, good practice examples and learning opportunities are shared across the organisation.
Staff appraisals

We seek feedback from the people we support when carrying out staff appraisals, helping them contribute to the development of staff that support them.
Staff recruitment

They can also get involved in the different stages of the staff recruitment process, from the time the vacancy arises, through to short-listing and interview.
Team meetings

These are an opportunity for people we support to get involved in the everyday running and development of our local services.
Service planning

Involvement in formal and informal service planning, looking at how the service is operating and can improve, is another way for supported people to participate.
Service evaluation

We continually evaluate our services through the National Evaluation Tool. People we support can take part in the evaluation process by discussing their experience of the service and assessing whether they think the service meets our standards.
Validation visits

They can also talk about their experience with Quality and Evaluation staff from our head office, who visit services to validate the results of the National Evaluation Tool.
Care Inspectorate

People we support can get involved in this process through pre-inspection questionnaires, providing feedback for inclusion in the service’s self-assessment and an informal discussion with the inspector.

Number of Employees in The Richmond Fellowship Scotland

501 to 1,000

The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Revenue

$30m to $130m (CAD)
