Nishnawbe Aski Police Service
Nishnawbe Aski Police Service Headquarters Location
309 Court Street South, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7B 2Y1
About Us
Employing over 230 uniform officers and 40 full-time civilians, NAPS is the largest First Nations police service in Canada and the 2nd largest First Nations police service in North America. NAPS polices 34 communities across the NAN territory which encompasses nearly 2/3 of the Province of Ontario. Not only does NAPS have its own operational plane, but its salaries and benefits are consistent with the top 10 police services in Ontario.
NAPS' BenefitsOur members are treated as part of a team, and we are passionately committed to the health and well being of our officers. NAPS has a great extended benefits program, as well as a pension plan with the Ontario Pension Board, a Wellness Unit, a Peer Support Team, numerous advancement and training opportunities and a good Employee Family Assistance Program that includes trauma support for our officers.
Why Join NAPS?There are many rewarding opportunities at NAPS because of community based policing. We pride ourselves in getting to know the members we serve and being a part of the community. You are able to attend local events such as feasts, gatherings, pow wows, Halloween parades, the schools, etc., and become a role model and connect with the community members organically through personal interactions.
When an officer is actively engaged with the community he/she serves, the community responds with respect and inclusiveness to that of a close-knit family.
Pay and Career DevelopmentWhen an officer is actively engaged with the community he/she serves, the community responds with respect and inclusiveness to that of a close-knit family.
NAPS’ salary is very competitive in comparison with other police services across the country. Our officers’ salary is on par with the Ontario Provincial Police, this means that our officers receive the same increases that the OPP receive. NAPS also provides Remote/Isolation pay to help with incidentals incurred during travel to and from the detachments and flight costs are subsidized.
Life in Northern CommunitiesNAPS officers working throughout remote Northern Ontario have access to many natural resources. If you’re an outdoor enthusiast this would be 100% where you want to be. The gem of working with NAPS are the Northern Lights seen across the night skies.
Our HistoryThe Nishnawbe Aski Police Service is governed by its own Police Services Board consisting of a representative of each Nishnawbe Aski Nation Tribal Council. The Nishnawbe Aski Police Services Agreement is an "agreement in principle" negotiated between the Government of Canada; the Government of Ontario and the Nishnawbe Aski Nation. The primary goal behind the Agreement was to establish an Aboriginal police service to provide effective, efficient and culturally appropriate policing to the people in the Nishnawbe Aski area.
Number of Employees in Nishnawbe Aski Police Service
201 to 500